Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Some poetry I've been working on

Before The Word

Even before the word
Silence brooding upon those first amniotic waters
enfolding us like a shroud
like swaddling bands
covering us as we nakedly came
and went

Starlight and shadow
as yet uncontested by fire, arc, or book
Specters of things unsafely hidden
in darkness
All is fear and awe and death
and meaning

Then the word
that first falling rebellion
against a silence that was,
is, God
Even still
silence claimed its due
Wiry frightened starving bodies
unwillingly filled to overflowing
by the not-word
Brightly burning things
fueled by
that which was not themselves

Then enlightenment
cacophony and din
The din of modernity
Did I say din?
Ah djinn! The djinn of modernity
Answers to questions
all wishes commanded
All is fatness milk and honey
unending undying unsating
Till we sit
old. fat. empty.
Whited sepulchers lacking even
the bones of dead men

It was not always thus
Return to us
We will lay down that sounding brass
these tinkling symbols
Swaddle and cover us once more

I would resign to choking silence
if only I could again be filled

1 comment:

Alan said...

I like this. I'm anxious to read more.