Monday, November 3, 2008

So My Mind Is Made Up!

So I was having a really hard time making up my mind who to vote for but now John McCain has made it up for me. And how did he manage this feat? By choosing the one person less qualified than our current president to be his running mate. I like McCain and I like Obama. Generally speaking I think either man would make a fine president. But the thought of Sarah Palin being one heartbeat (or heart-attack) away from the presidency is just more than I can stomach. So I'll be voting for Barack Obama tomorrow.

I'm not going to lie to you: I voted for W. in 2000. And the really embarassing part? I did it because he seemed like he would be more fun to hang out with than that uber-bore Al Gore. I was young and naive but back then I felt like what this country really needed was some good old-fashioned Joe-Six-Pack common sense. I was wrong. What we needed then and now was someone who could make measured, calculated decisions based on available data; someone who wasn't too blinded by ideology to see the facts as they were/are. Obama can do that, McCain can do that, but Palin strikes me as someone who would make most decisions based on her ideology and gut instinct. Just like W.

Now Palin isn't running for President, McCain is. But McCain is an old man and there is a chance that he could die in office. If there were a way to guarantee that he would survive his term(s) in office my decision would be a lot harder. But given that nothing in this world is certain but death, the decision becomes depressingly simple. I'm voting for Obama.


Alan said...

Now, are you doing absentee in Ohio? Because that would have more impact than the higher-than-usual-but-still-much-less-than-the-republican Utah democratic vote.

CValentine said...

Funny. That is the exact logic that made me vote the way I did. I felt sick to my stomach when I went to fill on the Obama bubble. But when i considered changing my mind, I felt equally, if not more, altered. I've decided all we can do is exactly what you hopeful and helpful.